Thursday, February 21, 2008


I wear my scars like the rings on a pimp
I live life like the captain of a sinking ship

I can get lost anywhere. Anywhere. I can have directions written out for me, maps printed, the works, and still have no idea where I'm supposed to turn. I went on a crazy tour of the StL this weekend because I missed my exit - by taking another exit. I drew my route home on a map and it looked like an upside-down Florida. Want to hear something even crazier? For one mile, I was actually back on 270 where I was supposed to be. Of course I didn't know that so I turned off at the first road with a familiar name. I got lost, found the way, and got lost again.

It gets better.

I called K for directions; she said I could stay on the road and head south, take a right turn and be home. Simple, right? Not for me. I turned onto another familiar road, thinking I would know exactly where I was on it, but I was much farther east than I had been before. I was very surprised to see what looked like the road disappearing into three others. Even with directions as simple as go straight and turn right, I still get lost.

K has another snow day from work. And there's just nothing else to say right now.

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