Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Zimbabwe: FUBAR

I am Governor Jerry Brown
My aura smiles and never frowns
Soon I will be president

Okay, lemme get this straight. The sitting government refuses to release presidential election results, but releases the other results that show his party has clearly lost. After sitting on the presidential results for almost a week, incumbent Mugabe starts pushing for a runoff election. Note that the results of the first election haven't actually been released. The still-ruling Zanu-PF party of Mugabe also pushed for recounts in "disputed areas," and Mugabe said he was prepared to step down if he was granted immunity from prosecution for massacres he instigated during his twenty-eight year reign. Now election officials have been arrested and accused of rigging the votes in the oppositions favor. Again, these are results that haven't been released.

Mugabe Caesar sits on the results. Then he says he'll give up if the new president plays Ford to his Nixon, but still doesn't release the election numbers. I would guess that didn't go down too well, and now he's throwing out accusations that votes for him were deliberately ignored or altered. And still no results. It might just be because I'm American, and Americans have been spoiled by getting five or six different results during one election from Florida alone, because gods forbid we have an election that Florida doesn't get drunk and fuck up for everyone else, but it seems suspect that Mugabe can't just say "these are the results, but we think they're rigged and we're disputing them" and then go to court with it. At least then the hood would be pulled off Zimbabwe's head and they could see who's raping and murdering their families. Yeah, I went there. What? Too soon? That country's been in conflict for over a century. It's the Balkans of Africa.

And look at that picture in the Guardian article. The blue eyes, that mustache, a despot leading a country into massacres over generations-old disputes and urging racial violence - are you seeing what I'm seeing? I'll say it: Black Hitler. Zimbabwe falls under Godwin's law now. Game over.

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