Thursday, May 22, 2008

Sic transit Carmine

Yo Frank-AY!

"Who is this?" The fuck you think it is kaffa, look at my fuckin' avatar you'll know who it is.

Yeah it's Carmine, damn. I'm on the train back. Yo, it was crazy at the club. Vic's brother got jumped.

You know, Vic's brother. Johnny G's neighbor. Check Tommy's page, he's linked up.

Yeah, that guy. Yo, some fuckin' wannabes tried to start shit. They pushed him and took his Goose and we was like yo, dat's our kaffa, you can't do dat shit, you know who we are? We fucked those dudes up, yo.

There was like eight of them. And it was me, Vic's brother, Tommy's cousin, Pauly, Pauly's friend, and Sally's nephew and we fucked'em up.

I know, but my dad's linked Sally since way back so I gotta link his nephew. But he was throwing down on those bitches. He did more than Tommy's cousin, that kaffa was in the bathroom the whole time hanging his keys on some hottie.

Naw, it wasn't no ruffie shit. He got some 'tocin gloss so when the chick kissed him she got dosed. They soak it in and it's like, just trust me, and they do, right? They don't pass out or nothin like that.

Yo, I couldn't get nothin', the bouncers tossed us after the fight. Some fuckin' bullshit, one of them choked Pauly to the door. It was that same prick as last week at the door, too. We tipped him to get in but he wouldn't let us through later. It's like fifty dollars don't buy shit no more, everything's gotta be euros. But shit, that place was full of haters anyway, fuck that. They betta fall back, yo.

Yo what the fuck you lookin' at? I'm not talkin' to you, I'm on my mobe, kaffa. You see me on my mobe, then quit fuckin' listening and move yo ass out before I hit you. I said fuckin' MOVE.

Some fuckin' guy listening over here. I got him, he won't fuck with me again. Hey yo Frankie, I heard you were spreading that requeson from Sammy's.

That dancer at Big Sammy's place, the one with the muslos de requeson.

Your guy told me.

Your guy, that trainer at Bobby's gym. You linked him at Bobby's after-party that time.

Shit, I must have your page cached. Lemme reload that shit.

Fuck no, I won't link him if you don't. I don't know him. Damn kaffa, you delinked all those dudes. You got to tell me when you do that so I can sync with you.

Cause your rank is huge and if bitches see me linked to people that you dropped, they'll drop me. I gotta keep my rank up, yo, I can't get the muslos with no rank. I'd need new keys and everything if that happened, yo.

So you didn't get her spreadsheet?

Damn kaffa, I'm just asking. Damn.

Yeah I might, there's good pussy under that requeson. I heard her shit's all signed organic. She got cream cheese, yo, I'd hang my keys on that shit. Might tweet her after my site maintenance's done.

All that shit, I gots to wax, tan, lift, get more I. I'll be dragonballin' when it's done, yo.

Naw, the Preparation I is some new shit, makes you look more pumped than the H does. I might skip the gym and lift at the shore, get some hottie's public
key. I can check their certificates before rolling to the club, see who to link.

Pauly and everybody's hittin' it again tomorrow. We're going to some oxy bar first. Pauly's friend works there and he said we could maybe get some oh-two at a full discount, the good stuff. Like their tanks might be leaking, right? Tommy's cousin's gonna roll in his new Beem, we'll roll from there to the club. Yo, you coming to the spot?

C'mon, don't be a fuckin' pussy. You weren't with us tonight, you gotta get some muslos on the floor tomorrow. You didn't get nothin' at the shore, you not saving it for that girl at Big Sammy's and there are no hotties that side of the river. You gotta roll with us, balla. We kaffas, right?

Fine, I'll get rid of Sally's nephew if he shows up, okay? You be there?

Aight. I'll get up.

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