Saturday, June 14, 2008

Straight tribbin'

After a month, there's little to say about the story of a homeless woman in Japan found in someone's closet. Most readers in the western world reacted with ninja jokes, followed by surprise that someone could be undetected in a house for that long. Lisa Katayama sheds some light on Japanese architecture and custom:
Japanese closets usually have two layers—a top shelf and a bottom shelf. They're deliberately made to be deep and dark so you can store blankets and mattresses inside. (Traditionally, Japanese sleep on mattresses on the floor; they put them away during the day to make space.)
Despite not being able to find a single Japanese news source carrying the story (except in syndication from Reuters,) the Chicago Tribune website has the story on two different pages. Submissions to Digg were linked to a third page at the Trib, which now returns a 404 but is available through Google cache.

All three articles at the Trib had different titles but the same copy. They copied the copy of the copy, and then copied that.

I submit that the colloquialism trippin' be replaced with the neologism tribbin'. And kudos to luke16 for his comment on the tale:
Japanese closet woman is watching you masturbate.
That is all.

Update June 20: Google cache has been removed, but it's also available on Duggmirror.

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